Kansas Peace Officers Association

P.O. Box 2592, Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 722-8433  |  kpoa@kpoa.org

"Co-operation and Justice"

“Reimagining Police Recruiting and Retention: The Wichita Police Department Experience”

  • 04/20/2021
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • https://wichitastate.zoom.us/j/91656727808?pwd=VTczcElLb1VCR09zWjhFMndWenlSdz09

An informational webinar titled “Reimagining Police Recruiting and Retention: The Wichita Police Department Experience.”  The goal is to have any/all law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Kansas who are struggling with recruiting and retention to sit in on this webinar and hear what the Wichita Police Department is doing in these areas.  We are offering this to Police Departments and Sheriff Offices only. 

If you or any of the participants have any questions, please contact Sgt. Jeremy Vogel, jvogel@wichita.gov or 316-660-3816

The class information is listed below:

Topic:    Reimagining Police Recruitment and Retention: The Wichita Police Department Experience

Date:     April 20, 2021

Time:     1:00 to 3:00 PM Central Time

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


Want to do a test call?

Go to:   https://wichitastate.zoom.us/test

Virtual Conference

Password: 469908

Please complete the survey and email them to kkimble@wichita.gov

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